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August saw Meat N16 complete its thirteenth year. It’s remarkable. We opened here, on Stoke Newington Church Street, in 2011. Where have the years gone? From an idea, and a wish, from two local guys, the shop was born. We remind ourselves that we set up to open on the Thursday morning, but on Wednesday evening, as we stood around admiring our new venture, a local put his head through the door and asked what we were doing. I sold him a Sirloin Steak and we have always claimed to have opened a day early! It has been such a great journey. Only Troy, who is now at Meat N6, and I still remain from day one. My business partner, Richard is still with me, but that’s it. As I have said many times, any retail business will only succeed if the customers want it and use it. The Stokey people certainly want their local shops. I am proud that we can boast many customers who have been coming since day one, and their interest and enthusiasm is intoxicating. Whilst I still love every day of being here, I am too old to imagine still being here in 13 more years, so I am going to remember the first 13 fondly, and enjoy as many more as we can fit in.