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July News

As I am writing, we have a young chap from the local ‘Stoke Newington School’ spending a week with us, doing his end of year ‘work placement experience’. Aidan is a lovely boy, and he arrived, on his first day, on time and full of enthusiasm. And that is all we ask for. Enthusiasm. It doesn’t take any more than enthusiasm and a will to learn for us to be able to help young people learn a skill that will be with them all of their lives. In writing, it seems a bit melodramatic, but it’s not really.

Butchery as new career

Over the years, our regular customers will know, we have had many 15/16/17 year olds helping out on the weekends, and during the holidays. We have seen our first ever ‘Saturday Girl’, Ella, go on to be a professional singer and a boy from N6 is now in the Police force. We have watched so many youngsters develop into wonderful adults. We even have one young lady who is now a teacher in a Hackney school.

Of course, our greatest successes will be with young people who go on to make a life in the food industry, and there are a couple of them around as well. As the Butchery industry has changed in recent times, the job has become more appealing to male and female employees. It can be that the hours are long, especially in the busy Christmas period, it is cold in the winter and there is always a physical element, but weigh that against the joy of learning how to tie a chicken properly, of being able to divide an animal into its usable parts, or creating a string of sausages. Imagine the satisfaction when a customer returns with thanks for a meal that was enjoyed because of the skill used in preparing the steaks, chops or joint, and suddenly it becomes clearer why we do what we do, and why we enjoy it.

As we come to the end of the school year, when many young people are coming to the end of their school life, there will be those who have not made up their mind what they would like to do next. So, maybe, consider a career in the butchery industry. It is never dull, and it can be very rewarding. I have been very lucky, and I have worked with, and for, some amazing people.

If any of our customers would like to discuss a career with Meat London, or even get some advice on life in the food business, our garden is always open for a chat. Please call me.

Pork Pies are back!

I know that many of our customers have missed our Pork Pies in the last month or so. Unfortunately, our relationship with the previous producer came to an end, and I have spent time finding a new one. ‘The Pie Makers’ of the West Midlands, Black Country have provided us with some excellent Pork Pies, and I am delighted to announce that they are in each of our shops. The crusts are just firm enough, the filling is full of flavour and the moist jelly finishes the pies to perfection. We have agreed two sizes to start with, but we intend to do others and there are also many different styles for us to look into. The Pie Makers also make a delicious Game Pie which I can’t wait to taste when the season starts. Ask the Teams in our shops for more information and add a delicious Pork Pie to your picnic basket.

New Season Lamb

More great news; the farm lorry turned up this week with ‘New Season’ lamb on board. As mentioned in a previous Newsletter, there has been no fanfare this year. Many factors have contributed to the delayed arrival, including weather and the economy, but the older lambs have been of very good quality, and the new lambs have come to market quite late. However, judging by what we have received this week, we can be sure that the quality of lamb will continue to be very good. The prices are slightly up, but I am sure our customers will be delighted to know that Meat London will be able to absorb those increases, providing they stabilise in the next few weeks as expected.

So no excuses. I would definitely recommend that lamb should be on your menu in the coming weeks.

As the school holidays start, through the middle of July, I know that a great many of our customers will be leaving town for the beaches, both at home and abroad. I would like to wish all of our customers a lovely summer, and enjoyable family time.
Have a great Holiday.
